Saturday, 14 July 2012

Ariana's Signature Hairstyle!

Ariana Grande's signature ponytail. 

As most of you might know, Ari loves to wear her hair up in a pony with a ribbon. Here's some photo's :

If you want to get Ariana's signature look, keep reading...

First you'll need to have medium length hair, short hair wont really work.

1. Brush you hair to remove tangles,
2. If your hair is straight, your lucky, if its naturally curly like mine, then you might need to straighten it,
3. Get a thin bobble/hair band and tie your hair in a smooth ponytail, not too high or low, in the middle,
4. Bobbie pin any lumps on the top of the head,
5. Now this is optional, but you can curl the ends on the ponytail like in the first picture, or leave them straight, its up to you,
6. You can hairspray when your done, this is if you don't have any ribbon,
7. If you want to get ribbon, i suggest going to your local crafts store, and asking for a 1 metre length of a certain colour ribbon. 
8. So if you already have ribbon, tie once around the bobble and then tie, loop round again and do this a couple times, depending on how long your ribbon is, and how big you want the bow to be,
9. When you have done looping, tie in a basic knot and this tie like you would tie your shoes, it takes a couple tries to get it how you want.
10. There's a few options here, you can either cut the excess off, or bobbie pin it round the bobble.
And your done!

You'll be looking fabulous! Leave me a comment including your picture, or tweet me in Twitter at @ArianasOurQueen, i'd love to see your ribbons ;D


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